"Hi, my name is Estefanía, I live in Spain, I'm a mother of 3 Children, two of them with food allergies to the cow's milk protein and the egg. They also have atopic dermatitis, environmental allergies and asthma"
In the case of Adrián (2011) due to his severe dairy allergy he suffers from eosinophilic esophagitis, a chronic immune system disease.
With Hugo (2013) we are doing a program of induction of oral tolerance to the egg, every week we go to the hospital and we raise the dose a little, it is about making your body tolerate the allergen, always under medical supervision, since a month ago We had an anaphylactic shock.
In 2015 I created my allergic recipe blog "Sin trazas de leche" (No Traces of Milk) to share with more families easy recipes to make at home. Although they are normal children, our daily day is complicated due to allergies, as it has reactions by contact.
We would like people to have more empathy when it comes to hosting parties at school with food, birthdays and activities so everyone could participate.
We always carry with us the adrenaline auto injectors and rescue medication in case of allergic reaction."We hope to overcome at some point our allergies!!".